Dura-Line Launches New Product: PowerGuard
GRAVENHURST, ON. – Feb. 21, 2019 - Dura-Line announces the release of a brand-new high density polyethene product, PowerGuard, now manufactured at the Gravenhurst, Ontario, plant. PowerGuard is an HDPE conduit suitable for both low voltage and high voltage cables and is produced to the exacting standards of CSA C22.2 for electrical use.
“We knew that if we were going to create a new solution, that it would have to reflect the high quality of our other product lines. Our team was excited to work on this challenging project,” Director of Sales, Canada, Brian Didone said. “Given the recent investment in technology and facility upgrades, we knew we were up to the task.”
We knew that if we were going to create a new solution, that it would have to reflect the high quality of our other product lines.
Brian Didone, Director of Sales, Canada
PowerGuard can be installed everywhere CSA certified PVC conduit can; however, the major benefit of PowerGuard is that it ships on reels. Unlike its PVC counterpart, PowerGuard provides easy continuous installation from a reel holding thousands of feet of conduit. For example, one reel of 2-inch conduit holds up to 3,281 feet of PowerGuard. The same amount of PVC 2-inch conduit would equal over 300 10-foot sticks of pipe and more than 300 couplers. Some of the other benefits of HDPE conduit are that it can be installed in a wide range of extreme temperatures and it withstands low temperature impact better than other materials even when the ground shifts or heaves. HDPE resists brittleness and maintains flexibility, navigating around unexpected obstructions in the ground rather than requiring manufactured bends, bending without breakage.
PowerGuard is also available with the option of pre-installed Bull-Line Pull tape in strengths ranging from 500# to 6,000# or pre-installed cable, eliminating additional labour costs.
Dura-Line’s conduit allow for a flexible, expandable network with dedicated, easily identifiable pathways for system upgrades, redundancy, and future capacity. Several technologies set Dura-Line apart from other manufacturers including SuperSILICORE and FuturePath. Dura-Line’s MicroTechnology products are leading the way throughout the industry for fibre deployment.
Previously known as Gravenhurst Plastics LTD., Dura-Line purchased the plant in 2016. The Gravenhurst manufacturing plant is one of more than a dozen across Canada and the United States. Dura-Line is an TL 9000 and ISO 9001 rated manufacturer of HDPE conduit serving the telecommunications, enterprise, and electrical markets. Based in Knoxville, Tennessee, Dura-Line is owned by Mexichem.