Smoothwall HDPE Conduit
Our most popular HDPE conduit, Smoothwall is available with an optional Silicore permanently lubricated lining. Install cables further with the reduced coefficient of friction. These ducts perform well in all environments like direct buried, underground, and as interducts in existing conduit systems.
Standard HDPE Characteristics:
- Available in meteric diameters of 32 x 26 mm, 40 x 34 mm, 50 x 45.6 mm
- Also produced in inches 1”, 1 ½”, 2”, 2 ½” with varying wall dimensions
- NEW Large Diameters 90 mm, 100 mm, 110 mm as well as 3” to 8"
- Can be manufactured with Silicore - super slick permanent lining
- Manufactured from flexible HDPE, makes gradual bends without special equipment
- Continuous lengths reduce joining costs
- Outstanding long term cable protection from shifting ground, rock and root impingement
- Provides a permanent pathway, simplifies future cable repairs or replacement
- Colored stripes available for identification
- Meter or Foot Markings

Bundled Smoothwall
Smoothwall can be packaged as "Bundled Smoothwall." The individual Smoothwall conduits can be "bound" in packages of 2 to 7 Smoothwall conduits with either a strap or a polyethylene oversheath. The advantage provides multiple pathways that can be installed as "one bundle," saving on installation and storage costs.
Bundled Smoothwall Characteristics:
- Conduit bundles from 2 to 7 ways with strap (Available in BRAZIL) or oversheath
- Multiple conduits in a single reel
- Easier installation for several ducts at once
- Consult your local sales team for availability
Corrugated conduit is made from HDPE and works well for short runs and where flexibility is a key requirement.
Corrugated Characteristics:
- Available in 90 mm, 100 mm, 110 mm
- Manufactured from flexible HDPE
- Rugged corrugated design is flexible and light weight, yet provides excellent crush resistance
- Outstanding long term cable protection from shifting
ground, rock and root impingement - Provides a permanent pathway, simplifies future cable repairs or replacement